One of the first things that can happen in Skyrim is that a friendly character can suggest you join the Imperial Legion, but it's also quite easy to miss this recommendation and skip out on joining them entirely. Some in Skyrim might have secession on their minds, but the Imperial Legion are quite against that.

The Imperial Legion is a part of the armed forces of the world of Skyrim that's led by General Tullius. With Skyrim out on Switch and PlayStation VR now, it's a good time to revisit the different factions available to you in the game. "Missing in Action" can now be completed using the non-violent method Bethesda had partially implemented.I mean, their symbol is on the game's cover. He will only allow Thorald to be pardoned after finishing the Imperial Legion questline. General Tullius in Solitude can be asked to release Thorald, but he will only say this would cause too many problems (This option is glitched and there is currently no way to use it on PS3 or Xbox, and needs mods on PC.). If the Dragonborn speaks to the front guard of Northwatch Keep and tells him that they've come for Thorald, the guard will refuse to confirm whether they hold a prisoner by that name, and say that a prisoner can only be freed by order of the Imperial Legion. You can't obtain the Legionaire Armor to relase him, but you do want to do what is above. Talk to Fraila to complete the "Missing in Action" quest. Now you released Thorald without having to kill the Thalmor. Don't worry, as the Thalmor will still become unhostile for the rest of the gameplay. then he'll follow you all the way outside. He'll lead you inside the keep and you need to talk to Thorald to tell him he'll be rescued. Talk to the Thalmor at the front gate and persuade him to release Thorald Grey-Mane and give him the Imperial Orders. This will cause the Thalmor at Northwatch Keep to become unhostile.

He will give you the Imperial Orders you need to give to the Thalmor at the front gate. Talk to General Tullius in the Castle Dour in Solitude to release the prisoner at Northwatch Keep. What you'll need to do is join the Imperial legion and you need to start the rescue quest. But however, there is another way to release Thorald without bloodshed. You can't obtain the Imperial Legoinaire Armor as it doesn't exist.