If you're looking to craft or enchant your weapons, be sure to check out our detailed guide to power-levelling Smithing and Enchanting skills to hit that level cap and craft the best weapons in the game as quickly as possible. Whether you're looking to tackle some of the more bizarre Daedric quests, or power-level your Smithing to craft Dragonbone and Daedric weapons, the weapon rankings below should be of some use to you, but before you dive in there are a couple of quick things to bear in mind about how we've structured it all: Some are available early on, too, through side quests or otherwise, which can be a massive help for playthroughs on harder difficulties, or for those with a burning desire to power through to Skyrim's late-game content.
For almost all character builds, knowing the best weapons in Skyrim for each type is going to be worthwhile.